American Square Dances of The West
& Southwest - online instruction book

With Calls, instructions, diagrams, steps & sheet music

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of the West and Southwest
In the Western Do-si-do, it is not necessary, nor is it cus­tomary, to describe in the call with izhom the Do-si-do is danced. It is always between Partners and Corners, and the call of "Do-si-do" is all that is necessary for the Western version.
The original movement, the Eastern back-to-back Do-si-do, must be qualified by the call telling with whom to Do-si-do, as: "Do-si-do your Partner," or, "Do-si-do your Corner." That alone tells you which movement is desired by the caller. When you hear that call, dance the back-to-back figure. If the call is just "Do-si-do," dance the Western one-hand figure.
While the Western Do-si-do is danced only between Partners and Corners, the Eastern Do-si-do may be danced between any dancers in the set, either ladies or gentlemen, and the call is always qualified by words telling with whom the movement is to be danced. Often in the West, the Eastern movement is called for as a "sashay" or as a "docey," and in such cases describes between whom the movement is to be danced, as: "Sashay 'round your Corner," or, "Docey your Partner."
The Eastern back-to-back Do-si-do is danced between those designated in the call, by the dancers facing each other and dancing past the other person by the right shoulder in three steps. The dancers now move to their own right two steps, back to back, and then dance backward three steps, passing by the left shoulder to place. The movement requires eight beats of music. The dancers simply encircle each other in eight steps, passing by the right shoulder, then back to back, then by the left shoulder to place.
Very often the proper and original pronunciation of "Dosr-a-dos" is given this figure. That pronunciation is never used for the Western version, but it is a poor guide to the Eastern figure as there is such a slight difference in the sound of the two terms. It is far better to distinguish the movements by the way in which the call is used.
The "Dos-a-dos" is usually called in a series of two, as: "Dos-a-dos (or, T)o-si-do5) your Partner," "Dos-a-dos (or,